Two days later it was reportedly used briefly against Occupy Wall Street protesters.
Thus it should come as no surprise that the angry "Occupy Wall Street" protesters are calling for an end to the political tricks in Washington.
America's traditional, pro-wealth cultural vision is showing wear and tear, which may explain why criticisms made by Occupy Wall Street protesters have resonance.
The statue has been decorated by Occupy Wall Street protesters.
A similar set of hand signals are used by the Occupy Wall Street protesters in their group negotiations.
Occupy Wall Street protesters brace themselves for eviction from Zuccotti Park.
Occupy Wall Street protesters: legal observers giving rights advice.
Most of the Occupy Wall Street protesters have returned to their base at Zuccotti park and the area now appears to be quieter.
Occupy Wall Street protesters march through New York's financial district toward the stock exchange.
His film leaves the viewer with an emotion somewhere between pity and disgust, rather than the raw fury that might inspire Occupy Wall Street protesters.
Two days later it was reportedly used briefly against Occupy Wall Street protesters.
Thus it should come as no surprise that the angry "Occupy Wall Street" protesters are calling for an end to the political tricks in Washington.
America's traditional, pro-wealth cultural vision is showing wear and tear, which may explain why criticisms made by Occupy Wall Street protesters have resonance.
The statue has been decorated by Occupy Wall Street protesters.
A similar set of hand signals are used by the Occupy Wall Street protesters in their group negotiations.
Occupy Wall Street protesters brace themselves for eviction from Zuccotti Park.
Occupy Wall Street protesters: legal observers giving rights advice.
Most of the Occupy Wall Street protesters have returned to their base at Zuccotti park and the area now appears to be quieter.
Occupy Wall Street protesters march through New York's financial district toward the stock exchange.
His film leaves the viewer with an emotion somewhere between pity and disgust, rather than the raw fury that might inspire Occupy Wall Street protesters.