This data is compiled and then sent to The Ocean Conservancy.
He was a past chairman of the Ocean Conservancy.
It was found by The Ocean Conservancy in 1986.
In just over 20 years, the Ocean Conservancy's efforts have gained thousands of supporters worldwide.
In 2000, the cruise industry contributed almost $18 billion to the American economy and generated more than 257,000 jobs, according to the Ocean Conservancy.
Ocean Conservancy is one of the few of the organizations that help protect wildlife in the ocean.
Ocean Conservancy works to preserve the ocean's most extraordinary places for future generations to enjoy.
Ocean Conservancy aims to protect Marine mammals and their habitat.
Ocean Conservancy was also a key player in the creation of the dolphin-safe tuna-labeling program.
Along with other partners, Ocean Conservancy fought to save the program in the 1980s when it was nearly eliminated.