To the Editor: Your Oct. 26 front-page article is a balanced look at the $6.5 billion-a-year dietary supplement business.
To the Editor: I would like to express my appreciation for your Oct. 9 front-page article on the young immigrant family from Mexico.
But the Oct. 19 article, "Tortured Justice," primarily raised a host of moral and legal problems associated with torture.
That point was not addressed in your Oct. 28 front-page article on Medicare.
To the Editor: Your Oct. 9 article on shifts in foreign language study at the college level emphasizes the drop in Russian.
To the Editor: Your Oct. 26 front-page article on whether or not to take vitamin supplements reveals the confusion in the field.
The Oct. 9 article used the case as an example of the difficulty of bringing interstate fugitives to justice.
To the Editor: An Oct. 31 front-page article highlights the significant problems with health care on commercial cruise ships.
To the Editor: Two Oct. 13 articles suggest that we are moving back toward unfettered capitalism.
To the Editor: I loved the Oct. 11 front-page article about street signs in New York.