The 26,000-square-foot theater will be gutted and renovated for an October opening.
Scheduled to go into rehearsal today, the production is aiming for a late October opening Off Broadway.
He is aiming for a late October opening.
Sam's Club (currently under construction for October 2013 opening)
Jordan arrived at Stanford in June 1891 and immediately set about recruiting faculty for the university's planned October opening.
He feels that the $2,200 of coffeeand clipboards distributed in its October opening were worthwhile even if no referrals result.
The project was completed in time for the October 2010 opening of the arena., stated that "hundreds of screenings in North America have already sold out, a month before the film's October 28 opening."
It is set for an October opening, he said.
"Our October opening forced us to sell stocks at precisely the time we would have been buying."