Even in an October sun one can get quickly dehydrated on these exposed slopes.
The day, which began in brilliant, late October sun, is now all pale, translucent gray.
The October sun was strong and gleamed in shooting colors through hanging prisms.
Folding the paper into quarters, he poured himself a cup of coffee and sat back, allowing the October sun to brush warmth across his face.
The October sun wasn't all that strong, but even so, it made him cry out with sudden pain.
He had spent most of the time sleeping and lounging in the warm October sun on the boat deck.
The October sun was high in the sky, punishing with its heat.
My father was sitting out in the late October sun while we prepared dinner.
Outside, the October sun was shining weakly, but it was managing to shine.
Behind me there is a large window bathed in the surprising warmth of this October sun.