This was confirmed through the most recent Education Review Office report as found on their website.
During this time, Indian Office reports showed nearly a 50 percent decline in the Osage population.
A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on the contract characterized it as not well-planned and lacking any measure for assuring valuable work to be completed.
This Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report presents the agency's projections of federal spending and revenues over the coming decades.
The main findings of the Scottish Office report 'Driver Attitudes to Speed' include a number of conclusions which are of relevance to local authorities:
He rejected out of hand the conclusions of the Food and Veterinary Office report and the findings of the inspectors.
In November 2012 a National Audit Office (NAO) report into the franchise was published.
In an effort to improve transparency, the new president also issued a first-ever "100 Days in Office report".
Bay County Sheriff's Office report - 2006-066993.
A 2000 General Accounting Office (GAO) report focused attention on problems of cruise vessel compliance with environmental requirements.