Officials project that the number will exceed 1,200 this year.
Officials project that enrollment will remain about its present level.
Moreover, for the current budget year, officials project an $11.7 million deficit.
Officials project that the Federal prison population will more than double in the next decade to over 100,000.
Even as they present arguments about new cooperation and further reports, Iraqi officials project a certain sense that nothing may be enough.
For the fiscal year that began earlier this month, officials projected a budget gap of $2.8 billion.
Officials project that the Argentine investing public will end up with 31 percent of the shares in the company.
Officials project that the state's share of the Medicaid costs will ultimately be from $14 million to $22 million.
Officials of the archdiocese now project that the deficit for this fiscal year will reach $13.4 million.
Officials project a loss for 1993 and, one said, "a disaster" for 1994, the first year of a national television package yet to be negotiated.