President Lincoln wrote the "Birchard Letter" to several Ohio congressmen offering to release Vallandigham if they agreed to support certain policies of the Administration.
In his years as an Ohio congressman, Mr. Kasich earned a reputation as a bold, hotheaded leader who resisted simplistic party labels.
He had gone there to meet with an Ohio congressman who wanted to create a Guardian Angels chapter in Cleveland, he said.
An Ohio congressman stopped by to say hello.
She even "let a reporter listen in as the Ohio congressman told her on the phone that his recent marriage (to another former secretary) would not affect their arrangement."
The Ohio congressman has no doubt he will be president.
In 2012, Simmons supported Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich's re-election campaign, appearing with the politician at various speaking events.
One of the visitors was a portly but vigorous-looking Ohio congressman named McKinley.
On September 24, 1917, an Ohio congressman read into the Congressional Record:
Tom Luken, the Ohio congressman, told me that they were at this event at the Four Seasons in Georgetown.