Ohio voters rejected a proposal to have the state's 65 top judges appointed by the governor, rather than elected, as is now the case.
Ohio voters, in particular, were plagued by this issue.
By law, Ohio voters are asked every twenty years whether a new constitutional convention should be called.
In 1851, Ohio voters adopted a new constitution, which made treasurer a two year term elected by voters.
Both of these accusations played heavily in campaign literature that failed to resonate with Ohio voters.
Many judges of various appellate, common pleas, and county courts will be elected by Ohio voters in 2010.
The amendment was passed in November 2004 by Ohio voters.
Ohio voters approved a $200 million bond issue to pay for parks and natural resources.
But Democrats claimed that he wanted to keep his distance from the president, whose approval rating is at 38 percent among Ohio voters.
Metzenbaum may be too liberal, Ohio voters figured, but he's not in favor of child pornography.