But she has become skating's most confident and dependable performer in competition, winning 11 of her previous 12 Olympic-style events, including the 1996 world championships.
She has won four Olympic-style events this season.
Making a modern Olympic-style event like the Pan American Games look modern became the problem of ABC Sports.
The Sports Commission is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1987 that acts on behalf of the New York area to bid on Olympic-style events.
The organization's signature event, Junior Blind Olympics, invites boys and girls ages 6 to 19 to compete in Olympic-style events adapted for the blind.
She had won 11 of her 12 previous Olympic-style events and had become the country's most reliable skater.
The Maccabiah Games, an Olympic-style event for Jewish athletes, was inaugurated in the 1930s, and has been held in Israel every four years since then.
The Games also offers recognition for all participants with the Parade of Athletes, an Olympic-style event.
During this Olympic-style event, 2,000 athletes make their way around Idaho State University's historic wood track.