On 18 February 1944, British aircraft bombed the prison in Amiens as part of Operation Jericho.
While many villages were also barricaded against the British, the government launched Operation Jericho.
He was killed in Operation Jericho.
Pickard led the February 1944 low-level attack on the Amiens Prison, in the raid known as Operation Jericho.
Of course, Operation Jericho hadn't been Yu's idea.
I'd never met a Grayson before Operation Jericho, Lady Harrington.
He'd studied Harrington's record with care since Operation Jericho's dismal failure.
Yu and his superiors had pressed the Council of Elders for weeks-respectfully, but strongly-to move forward on Operation Jericho.
Accordingly, a plan (codenamed "Operation Jericho") was created to systematically capture the power in the Mizo district.
Operation Jericho was a low-level bombing raid on Amiens Prison in German-occupied France.