A student can apply first to schools that have special "educational opportunity" programs.
As a woman, a black, and carrying a Spanish surname, she was an entire equal opportunity program for them.
More than 2,000 students who use "educational opportunity" programs to study in state institutions on Long Island could be affected.
But in the 1970's, after riots on ships and bases, the Navy established an equal opportunity program.
It also significantly differs from the equal opportunity programs Texaco had in place previously.
The commission was established in 1957 to evaluate Federal laws and the effectiveness of the Government's equal opportunity programs.
And he runs an equal opportunity program, working with both Democrats and Republicans.
To learn more about the Vessel of Opportunity Program, fishermen should phone 281.366.5511.
The junior high school alternative is Opportunity Program.
In addition he has vetoed increases to funding for the state's tuition assistance program and equal opportunity program.