The organization estimates one in 3 adults has raised blood pressure.
The organization estimated that if the money were spent under current law, the Administration's proposal would serve not 158,000 children but about 98,000.
The organization estimates that the state loses 18,000 acres a year to development.
The organization estimates about three hundred kids who are in a need of foster care everyday.
The organisation estimated that 4.000 people with natural red hair came from 30 countries.
Various organizations have estimated the total number and amount of earmarks.
This was 2,000,000 above the previous figures but within the wide range the organization had been estimating for some time.
The organization estimates that only 5 percent of trips in 1995 included a sporting event.
Some non-governmental organizations estimate that the final number will be well over 100,000.
Local organizations, however, estimate the number of Sarakatsani at up to 20,000.