Orthodox scholars, however, are opposed to these hypotheses.
Some Orthodox scholars do not see Peter as being in any way above the other apostles, arguing that Peter did not have power and authority over them during Christ's public ministry.
Among Orthodox scholars, the later view seems to be shared by such writers as Andrew Louth and Vladimir Lossky.
He travelled to observe the various rites, to form the acquaintance of Orthodox scholars, and to study the points at issue between the Catholics and Orthodox teachings.
"You've just learned one of the keys to Jewish survival," said a participant, Rabbi Irving Greenberg, an Orthodox scholar.
Most, though not all, Orthodox scholars who have taken a stand say stem cell research is permitted.
Orthodox scholars assert that question marks were commonly used interchangeably with exclamation marks at this time.
"Israelis have accepted the idea of a Palestinian state," says Rabbi David Hartman, an Orthodox scholar in Jerusalem.
Orthodox scholars who share Lossky's view include Dumitru Stăniloae, John Romanides and Michael Pomazansky.
Orthodox scholars hold the opinion that music and dance, especially a dance type dhikr, are of gentile origin and hence are not Islamic.