That clearly put the Oscar-winning director and Hollywood star on the defensive and cast a shadow over his project.
The Oscar-winning director joked: 'At my age it's a bugger trying to remember the lines.'
Even Oscar-winning directors can't edit reality.
Unlike a typical Oscar-winning director, however, Mr. Bird is not a free agent with his sights set on the next big-budget negotiation.
This would put that year's Oscar-winning director on his own guild's blacklist.
It's amazing what you can do when you've got an Oscar-winning director" staring over your shoulder.
Sam Mendes, the Oscar-winning director, releases his latest film about a couple very much in love.
The Oscar-winning director believes the group's journey from unknowns in Manchester to worldwide fame will prove box-office gold.
It had an Oscar-winning director in Robert Benton.
Roberto Benigni, the Oscar-winning director of "Life is Beautiful," had no such qualms.