For scenic day trips out of New York, Washington and five other major American cities, the company Mad Maps is providing a new series called "Get Outta Town."
Get Outta Town [*] Why Don't You Stay?
It includes Lucky Soul fans on the recording, they were invited into provide backing from Get Outta Town!
He travelled to Asia, Australia and Europe to host the travel show Get Outta Town on WAM!
She has appeared in children's sci-fi series Mentors as Glay and co-hosts education travel series Get Outta Town.
Get Outta Town Now, Gringo Muthuhfugguh!
"Get Outta Town"
While in Jim Crockett Promotions, he would sometimes appear in a black bandit-style mask and call himself "Charlie Brown from Outta Town."
To finance the project, Curtis released a limited-edition fan club single of her song "Get Outta Town," the sales of which paid for her travel and recording expenses.
The Jetta's wheel was used as the picture on the CD single of "Get Outta Town."