One of the people whose life is recounted in the book is the Oxford philosopher and ontologist of the infosphere Luciano Floridi.
His posthumous collected papers, Statement and Inference, were influential on a generation of Oxford philosophers, including H. H. Price and Gilbert Ryle.
Tomin travelled with his family to the UK in August 1980, with the help of Kathy Wilkes, the Oxford philosopher, after receiving permission to study abroad.
In 1998, Pearce co-founded the World Transhumanist Association (WTA) with Nick Bostrom, an Oxford philosopher.
As Thomas Reid remarked, in a passage that could be mistaken for one by the twentieth-century Oxford philosopher J. L. Austin:
It was a dangerous day for her when, in 1945, she was visited by Isaiah Berlin, the Oxford philosopher and historian of ideas.
The group began to actively raise the issue with pre-eminent Oxford moral philosophers, including Professor Richard Hare, both personally and in lectures.
Both Flew and Ryle were among many Oxford philosophers fiercely criticised in Ernest Gellner's book Words and Things (1959).
Whatever the precise links, the associate justice wrote opinions that mirrored the arguments of the Oxford philosopher of "positive liberty" and the sociologically inclined Midwestern professors.
Of course, as the Oxford philosophers always say, it all depends upon what we mean by political union.