Mr Adams, keen on nature, wildlife and bird-spotting, often went walking with his sons in the Oxfordshire countryside.
She was 4 when the blitz began, and she was evacuated to the lonely Oxfordshire countryside to escape the bombing.
Traditionalists might be appalled, but deep in the Oxfordshire countryside, things are very much as they were.
His new book illustrates the wide variety of the Oxfordshire countryside through picture portraits of the smallest details.
The panoramic views of the Oxfordshire countryside from the clumps themselves are also spectacular.
This section leaves the relatively flat Oxfordshire countryside and continues on into the Chiltern Hills.
Together they set about converting North End, a farm in the Oxfordshire countryside, into a home and studios.
You need extra protection when you walk through this part of the Oxfordshire countryside.
The poem demonstrates Joseph Tubb's passion for the Oxfordshire countryside.
They had traipsed around the Oxfordshire countryside with a growing feeling of helplessness.