His border with the Timurids was the Oxus River.
Some remained with the army as mercenaries yet these too were sent home a year later when the army reached the Oxus River.
An example of a goat-burial finding was discovered on the Oxus River.
Sabuktigin's son Mahmud made an agreement with the Qarakhanids whereby the Oxus River was recognised as their mutual boundary.
It is therefore a source of the Amu Darya or Oxus River.
Finally Bessus was captured at the Oxus River.
When they reached the Oxus River, Timur asked to return to Kish so that he could maintain order within the Barlas region.
The kingdom controlled territory on the left and right banks of the Oxus River.
The Persians used the term "the Seven Seas" to refer to the streams forming the Oxus River.
The conflict between the two soon ended, however, with the Oxus River agreed to as the border.