PBS viewers television stations (February 23, 1967-January 05, 1973; January 03, 1997-present)
"Television" sets out to be entertaining, which may surprise PBS viewers accustomed to more didactic fare.
It said that 57 of 349 stations broadcast the episode in March 2005, making it available to more than half of PBS viewers.
The main reasons for the decline, elaborated on here, can be no secret to PBS viewers: Women are going in for contraception and careers.
In one hour, PBS viewers see an average of 5 1/2 minutes of underwriting and program promotion messages.
Mr. Calamera sees his audience as "PBS viewers - middle age, middle class," he said.
Recently a PBS viewer wrote to say that he had been introduced to me in 1974, and did I remember?
The producers must assume PBS viewers are slow learners.
PBS viewers who do not currently subscribe to HBO might also get an idea of what they are missing.
Or at least what PBS viewers want Ireland to be.