The company is not the only one to make of processors for PC laptops, however.
The Computer Lab houses both Macintosh computers and a PC laptop for use in any classroom.
When the mini snuffs it I'm buying a refurb PC laptop and will be running Ubuntu.
While the bags are designed for Macs, they also accommodate PC laptops with 14-inch or smaller screens.
Seriously, PC laptops have become a 1366x768 wasteland in the last few years.
Mac laptops are known to be little powerhouses, but do they really get hotter than PC laptops?
Today, there hasn't been a single PC laptop that anyone has been passionate about for the longest time.
Ultrabooks are being hailed as the next big thing in computing - a whole new type of PC laptop with distinctive performance-boosting features.
But when you look at PC laptops... they're not very good.
It hopes that by the end of next year, 40 per cent of all PC laptops sold will be Ultrabooks.