On May 21, Zaki and other PLO officials attempted to negotiate a ceasefire to alleviate the humanitarian suffering in the camp.
At that time, some of the first unofficial meetings between Israeli peace activists and PLO officials also took place.
Members of the Israeli parliament opened two days of informal talks with PLO officials in the Austrian capital on Friday.
But the idea ran into trouble, with some PLO officials complaining that Arafat had been turned into a commodity.
Some PLO officials say he may also be under stress as a result of reported family conflicts.
Disillusionment grows, culminating in retirement after being alleged scapegoating for a failed attempt at capturing top PLO officials.
Arafat adjourned the meeting in Tunis yesterday after two officials of the 18-member ruling body stormed out, PLO officials said.
A PLO official in Cairo said that Libyan officials were attempting to reach the area overland.
The United States accepted this clarification by Arafat and began to allow diplomatic contacts with PLO officials.
PLO officials publicly characterized the release as a gesture of potential reconciliation.