It appeared that they were next planning to kill Nabil Ramlawi, the PLO representative in London.
In Amman, Jordanian and largely right-wing PLO representatives controlled these funds.
From 1987 until 1990, Safieh served as PLO representative to the Netherlands.
Zwaiter moved then to Libya and afterwards to Rome, where he was a PLO representative and worked as a translator for the Libyan embassy.
In February 1989 at the United Nations Security Council, the PLO representative claimed recognition from 94 states.
After about an hour, a local PLO representative arrived at the airport and over the radio tried to persuade Mahmud to release the hostages.
This only provoked a furious response from Mahmud who started screaming at him over the intercom in Arabic until the PLO representative gave up and left.
The first such assassination occurred on January 4, 1978, when Said Hammami, the PLO representative in London, was shot and killed.
However, some PLO representatives, including Yasser Arafat, have also declared at times that they saw these statements as politically necessary steps.
Responses were also violent; Syria, through a Fatah official, contributed to the assassination a PLO representative in Belgium.