The PR battle has already been joined.
During an extended dispute with signalmen in 1994, Horton was generally reckoned to have lost the PR battle against the redoubtable NUR leader Jimmy Knapp.
Former Independent Counsel Joseph diGenova applauds Ginsburg, saying that he has hired another attorney to handle the legal issues so he can shape the PR battle for his client.
"This is the beginning of a very long PR battle," said Rob Nichols, the press secretary for Representative Jennifer Dunn, Republican of Washington.
This is a PR battle and the strike action did nothing to help the unions cause.
Background involves satire on Russian politicians and PR battles of 1990s - lie and truth means nothing, but people's trust does.
It's possible that Obama might lose the PR battle that would follow such a bold move... but we might be surprised.
The Creationism Vs Science story isn't about evidence or experiments or reasoned logic; it's a PR battle, and propaganda.
With the pensions negotiations edging towards farce, ministers fear that if they continue to mishandle the issues, there is a greater risk that they will lose the PR battle and the public could end up supporting the teachers and civil servants if and when they go on strike.
For a look at how Starr is recovering ground in his PR battle with President Clinton, click .