However, the Packers victory was not without cost.
Green Bay defensive back Tramon Williams' interception in the end zone sealed the Packers victory with 33 seconds left in the game.
Shields had 2 tackles in the Packers victory over the Steelers in Super Bowl XLV.
Take that combination and place it in a raucous Lambeau Field and you've got the formula for a Packers victory.
He also played in the Super Bowl in 2010, where he had two touchdowns in a Packers victory.
The game ended in a 3-0 Packers victory.
Bishop further noted that, in waving his arms, back judge Rhone-Dunn appeared to be signaling a touchback for a change of possession via interception, which would have ended the game with a Packers victory.
It would be the last Packers victory in Philadelphia until 2010.
It sure looked to be a Packers victory.
A Packers victory would send the Eagles to Dallas.