On 30 May 2010, however, a Pakistani court ruled that the Pakistani government should restore access to Facebook.
Even so, recent signals from the Pakistani courts have suggested a degree of skepticism.
Sheikh told the Pakistani court, however, that he had surrendered to the ISI a week earlier.
Pakistani courts have convicted both former leaders on corruption charges.
Bhutto had opted for self-exile while her court cases for corruption remained pending in foreign and Pakistani courts.
A Pakistani court imposed a 33-year sentence Wednesday on the doctor.
However an application to the Pakistani courts would have to be made for enforcement to occur.
The Pakistani court finds there is no evidence that he is involved in terrorism.
Three men charged in the attack were acquitted in a Pakistani court on 25 Sep 2010.
A Pakistani court overturned the death sentences of all six men convicted in the attack on her and ordered five of them freed.