He said there were Asian men who would do the same to Muslim and Pakistani girls, taking whatever chance available without discriminating.
Why don't you say right out 'this middle-class westernized Pakistani girl called Nerina'?
A Pakistani girl with cerebral palsy needed a home, and social workers immediately thought of the Ahmeds.
They still think constantly of her and the Pakistani girl, whose pictures hang in their living room.
She was the first Pakistani girl ever nominated for the award.
Furthermore, 63.3% of Pakistani girls in London reached that threshold compared to the national average of 57%.
A little while later the door opened and in came a shy, beautiful Pakistani girl in a cream-colored nun's habit.
A Bengali, he had fallen in love with a local Pakistani girl.
Every Pakistani girl I know has been on a diet since age 10.
Perhaps 10 percent of Pakistani girls and women die because of gender discrimination.