LEAD: A Pakistani judge has been charged with trying to smuggle about nine pounds of heroin into Britain, a Customs official said today.
Mir Ali Dost Bugti, a Pakistani judge.
However, in mid-December 2006, terrorism charges against Rauf were dropped by a Pakistani judge, who ruled there was a lack of evidence.
IFC trains Pakistani judges.
We are currently working to improve the effectiveness of the Protocol by funding training and guidance for Pakistani judges.
Fazal Ur Rehman is a Pakistani judge.
Apparently recognizing the dubious nature of the charges, a Pakistani judge has at least spared Mr. Sharif the death penalty.
Masked men armed with automatic weapons today ambushed and killed the Pakistani judge who was trying former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's husband.
A Pakistani judge ruled that he should receive corneal surgery, because his beatings had damaged his eyesight.
Pakistani judge, Rana Bhagwandas stated once that, Akhtar is a legend of Pakistan cricket.