These animals had been hunted by Paleolithic man; they had only to wait a short while now and all the hunters would be gone.
For Paleolithic man, it was the hunt, the horror and elation of a kill, the blessing of lifeblood spilled that organized belief and ritual.
Recent explorations in the beds/tributaries of Narmada have revealed traces of the Paleolithic men in East Nimar district.
The model of the Paleolithic men going off with spears to hunt while the women stayed home and gathered plants around the camp may be too simple, he said.
Paleolithic man probably roamed around the areas of lower Godavari valley and the surroundings of Bhadrachalam.
Though Paleolithic man was the first modern human in the evolutionary sense, he had been viewed as a brutish hunter-gatherer largely incapable of such advanced thinking.
But then consider the climate that Paleolithic man had to deal with.
The remains of a Paleolithic man were found at Iwajuku, Gunma Prefecture, in the early 20th century and there is a public museum there.
Neolithic Aryan race in Europe cannot be regarded as autochthonous, nor European Aryans descended from the Paleolithic man.
As a Paleolithic man myself, I should have known better.