The lake is located on paleozoic limestone of the Ordovician period.
As a result, these rocks are more resistant to erosion than the underlying, purer limestones of the Lower (Early) Paleozoic.
Ore bodies were replacements and fissure fillings in Paleozoic limestone.
Silver occurs in veins filling fracture zones through Paleozoic limestone.
The deposits are bedded manto-type deposits in Paleozoic limestone.
It is thought that this is because the intrusion erupted to the surface as it overran the Paleozoic limestone.
The whole area overlay a deep layer of Paleozoic limestone and it may well be honeycombed from California to Texas.
The predominant geology of the area is that of Paleozoic limestones.
The whole area is marked by a great number of fault traces and homoclinal ridges of Paleozoic limestone.
In this area, the soil is underlain by layers of Paleozoic limestone and a granite bedrock.