Inscribed on the plaque was a promise of allegiance to the new Palestine Authority.
In one year at least 400 such detentions were reported, primarily of political dissidents to the Palestine Authority .
The elections, starting in August, will replace mayors appointed by the Palestine Authority.
As an attorney, he represented the Yishuv before the British Mandate of Palestine authorities.
The ultimate status of Jerusalem has not been decided to the satisfaction of either Israel or the Palestine Authority.
The report for 1996 played down state-sponsored terrorism and praised the Palestine Authority for its efforts to "rein in" terrorism.
After Israel withdrew, the Philadelphi Corridor was placed under the control of the Palestine Authority until 2007.
As a result of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process agreement in 1995, the Palestine Authority has been given territorial administration over the West Bank.
In 1999 Palestine was allocated the E4 block of call signs and the Palestine Authority granted visitor licenses.
In 1995, the Wye River Memorandum was negotiated there between Israel and the Palestine Authority.