Some local Christians acknowledged tonight that they were concerned about possible discrimination by the Muslim majority under Palestinian rule.
For those who expected that Palestinian rule would open doors, not close them, this has added to the resentment felt toward those whose status brings special privileges.
Certainly, there was little to recommend Palestinian rule to the inhabitants of Lebanon.
Towns, cities and about 99 percent of the population would be under Palestinian rule.
Gaza and Jericho are under Palestinian rule now.
It says some 40,000 settlers would have to be evacuated or, if the Palestinians agreed, remain under Palestinian rule.
According to the poll, 40% of Palestinian residents would prefer to leave their neighborhoods if they would be placed under Palestinian rule.
They said they did not want to live under Palestinian rule, and complained of the increasing number of Arab attacks on nearby roads.
Under Palestinian rule, the value added tax - a kind of sales tax - will be as much as two percentage points lower than in Israel.
Israeli settlers on the West Bank may choose to live under Palestinian rule or return to Israel with fair compensation.