He also challenged Hollywood to be "fair" by making films depicting Palestinian suffering.
But it also eliminated any reflection of the Palestinian suffering.
Here are some words that you cannot use - settlements, Palestinian suffering, 1967 borders and land swaps.
As the nerve-racking minutes go by, it is clear to me why so many Israelis in the peace camp have grown desensitized to Palestinian suffering.
His original intention was to show Israeli and Palestinian suffering, with children on both sides speaking about their dreams.
With an Israeli woman, his mother began staging plays here about Palestinian suffering and the hope of peace.
"How could they think in this way, and put a possibility of making the Palestinian suffering last for five more years?"
At the same time, he has called for a "Marshall Plan" to ease Palestinian suffering.
The Israelis must "overcome this sense of indifference" to Palestinian suffering.
Meanwhile, humanitarian steps to relieve Palestinian suffering must be intensified.