The attackers apparently were lying in wait and then slipped back into Palestinian-controlled territory.
The Palestinians took cover in a house within Palestinian-controlled territory.
It acted under a new policy of taking back Palestinian-controlled territory "as long as terror continues."
Israeli forces remained in Palestinian-controlled territory more than a week after the Bush administration first demanded they withdraw immediately.
"The suspect was found not to have been armed, and footprints of another person who fled into Palestinian-controlled territory were discovered."
That meant, officials said, that the government was in effect suspending an agreement made last week not to enter Palestinian-controlled territory.
He has not criticized the Israeli government's talk of seizing more Palestinian-controlled territory.
This was the first ship caught in an attempt to smuggle weapons to Palestinian-controlled territories.
Israeli forces continued to operate in Palestinian-controlled territory today.
Palestinian officials have been pressing Israel to pull its forces out of all Palestinian-controlled territory.