He termed the raid - in which Israeli undercover agents stole into Palestinian-ruled territory to arrest Palestinian security officers - a "phony operation."
The soldiers were fired on from Palestinian-ruled territory just before the bomb went off, and they returned fire into the self-rule area, the officials said.
She wondered if they should make cutouts, like snowflakes, to portray the unconnected parcels of land that now constitute the Palestinian-ruled territories.
Today, after six days without entering Palestinian-ruled territory, they did so, he said.
Now, Palestinians are firing mortars at Israel; Israeli forces are driving tanks deep into Palestinian-ruled territories.
The others are all Jewish settlements, religious sites or army compounds surrounded by Palestinian areas, or the junctures between Israeli and Palestinian-ruled territories.
"We have no interest in returning" to Palestinian-ruled territory, Mr. Ben-Eliezer said.
It was King Abdullah's first visit to Palestinian-ruled territory since he succeeded his father, King Hussein, who died in February.
Finally, no Jewish settlements should be forcibly uprooted, although some outlying communities may be surrounded by Palestinian-ruled territory.
It has entered Palestinian-ruled territory on military raids, but usually its troops have retreated soon afterward.