There is a 190-foot elevation rise - it's along the Palisades cliffs, immediately south of the George Washington Bridge.
But take a short walk over train tracks and up a steep, muddy trail, and it becomes clear what is here on the Palisades cliffs: a cluster of homes.
On Boulevard East, a windy road on the Palisades cliffs in New Jersey, the situation is worse.
Peregrines also found the hunting - for pigeons, sparrows, starlings - as good as it was out in the country or on the Palisades cliffs.
In the background, the lush Palisades cliffs make the boats of a small marina look like toys.
My favorite amusement park was set on the high Palisades cliffs in Bergen County, New Jersey.
Fort Lee's granite Palisades cliffs, which tower 300 feet above the river, helped Washington harass the British during the blockade of New York in 1776.
Mr. Cardenas walked to a stone fence and peered over, down the steep Palisades cliff.
This 40-acre wildlife sanctuary features a varied nature walk, as well as impressive views of the Hudson River and Palisades cliffs.
A man sped his black Mercedes up the creaky structure toward the Palisades cliffs, banking left abruptly to avoid the obstacle.