The rain location is Saunders Auditorium on Palmer Road (377-6441).
If it rains, the performance will take place at Saunders Auditorium, 183 Palmer Road.
Selvy got off at the Bronxville station and took a cab along Palmer Road.
In case of rain, the performance will be held at the Saunders Auditorium, 183 Palmer Road.
Palmer Road vanished into a dark shaft of pine and hemlock, winding up into the mountains.
He climbed into his car and sped along Palmer Road.
Indeed, a sort of second home is how many people describe the delicatessen, which has been on Palmer Road here for 40 years.
Palmer Road was never designated for an I-75 exit because it is not a main thoroughfare.
It moved to a government building at Palmer Road in 1953.
Many from outside the official parish, such as those in Palmer Road or Alberton parishes, will attend the church.