Washington, DC: Pan-American Union.
Pan-regions based upon the British Empire, and the American Monroe Doctrine, Pan-American Union and hemispheric defense.
The draft pact was approved by Committee for Museum affairs at League of Nations and also by the Committee of the Pan-American Union.
The four Latin American Conferences took place prior to the Pan-American Conferences but were highly influential in the campaign to create the Pan-American Union.
Following increased solidarity between regions in Latin America throughout the 1800s came the birth of the Pan-American Union in 1910.
After his own area, the Pan-American Union, had failed to support him, he claimed to suffer a heart attack in the middle of the meeting and was taken to a local hospital.
Washington, D.C.: Pan-American Union.
Treaties for arbitration of disputes and adjustment of tariffs were adopted, and the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics, which became the Pan-American Union, was established.
The so-called Roerich Pact was signed into law by the United States and most member nations of the Pan-American Union in April 1935.
She worked as a translator in the office of American Federation of Labor President William Green, and also worked for the Pan-American Union.