But the mere prospect of new American control over the Panamanian economy has already sent shock waves through the region.
We run the risk of destroying the Panamanian economy and alienating our friends, while teaching our enemies that sanctions are an empty threat.
Sanctions have damaged the Panamanian economy so severely that it may take years for it to recover, if it ever does.
Banana production in Panama has traditionally played an important role in the Panamanian economy since around the turn of the twentieth century.
In 2007, 1.445.5 million entered into the Panamanian economy as a result of tourism.
Due to the importance of the canal to the Panamanian economy, tropical forests around the canal have been kept in an almost pristine state.
The Panamanian economy has been one of the fastest growing and best managed in Latin America.
The Panamanian economy is in ruins, with banks closed, the poor going hungry and a general strike scheduled to begin Monday.
The Administration began its moves against the Panamanian economy last July, when it cut off all military and economic aid.
The financial community represents as much as 15 percent of the Panamanian economy, according to Government figures.