Carruth's lawyers maintain that he said good night to Adams after the movie and went to the house of Hannibal Navies, another Panthers player, before the shooting took place.
He made his debut as a Panthers player when he entered the field against the Atlanta Falcons only for the end-game kneeldowns that drained the last 73 seconds from the clock.
But Adams's mother, Saundra Adams, told The Associated Press that her daughter met Carruth at a party thrown by another Panthers player.
His father is the only Panthers player to have his number retired and remains the only player inducted into the team's Hall of Honor.
Adey also holds the record for the most goals scored by a Panthers player in a single season with 120 during the 1994-95 season.
Panthers players are practicing without shoulder pads and running light, noncontact drills.
It has also been a blessing for the Panthers players who know that their owner and founder played the game.
Pitt's locker room features 128 lockers which are personalized for each Panthers player.
In Game 1, Shaheen said, the fans rode a Panthers player "by singing in C-sharp."
Even Pash, the league counsel, said he would be foolish to believe that the Panthers players were the only ones who had used drugs.