After receiving several more direct hits and losing two more large Panzer tanks, the German tank crews simply ran away.
Hitler's Panzer tanks were rolling into the northern part of Poland and there was no modern weaponry to stop them.
The squadron encountered about 20 German soldiers accompanied by a Panzer tank with an 88mm weapon, and were forced to surrender.
If the 800 series is a kind of human Panzer tank, then the 1000 series had to be a Porsche.
Perhaps it will sit in a huge hall of warfare on a linoleum floor surrounded by great artillery pieces and even an old, battle-torn Panzer tank.
Over the course of the next few hours they were subjected to mortar fire and shelling from a Panzer IV tank.
But Panzer tanks forced the British onto the defensive, and the operation failed.
In one engagement a 47mm antitank gun destroyed or disabled five German Panzer tanks.
Eventually, however, the French were forced to retreat in the face of overwhelming attack by German Panzer tanks.