They had the support of Spanish and Paraguayan officials.
After he was arrested, Virginia authorities failed to advise him of his right to confer with Paraguayan consular officials, as required by the Vienna Convention.
But his supporters argued that, had he been able to talk to Paraguayan consular officials at once, he might have saved himself.
Paraguayan officials later relaxed when Ronald Reagan, a man they considered no less conservative than General Stroessner, entered the White House.
For example, when scientific equipment from a NASA balloon fell near here several weeks ago, Paraguayan officials delayed its return to American authorities.
The Bolivians managed to capture 67 Paraguayan officials and 1,389 soldiers.
Virginia has conceded that it violated the treaty by not informing Mr. Breard of his right to the assistance of Paraguayan consular officials.
On the western side a Paraguayan official formally raised the surrender of Bolivian units, giving an hour of term for the response.
Narcotics came to dominate the remainder of Ylitalo's tenure as Ambassador, becoming a topic that was always discussed in his conversations with Paraguayan officials.
Asunción, Paraguay Anna was stopped at Customs by a fleshy-faced Paraguayan official in a short-sleeve blue shirt and tie.