The trip was not, however, a success and the group had to survive on the advances that Foujita had obtained from his Paris dealer.
When a Paris dealer offered him 30 Russian posters, he couldn't resist.
The Italians, naturally, wanted the 16th-century work back, never mind that the Atheneum had bought it in good faith from a Paris dealer.
Two years later, a photograph of the painting was sent to the catalogue committee by a Paris dealer.
Marc Blondeau, a Paris dealer, bought it for $46,000, nicely above its $30,000 high estimate.
Now it is being offered for sale through an unidentified Paris dealer.
The Paris dealer who purchased it for $22,000 was not identified.
I took the precaution of having a second agent--ostensibly the representative of a Paris dealer.
For Maris it meant a break with the Paris dealers, who would not let him paint what he wanted.
Étienne Breton, a Paris dealer, sold the painting to the Clark.