The film was initially condemned for its satire on the French upper classes and was greeted with derision by a Parisian crowd on its première.
He commanded a division of cavalry on the Champs-Élysées, but didn't meet hostility from the Parisian crowd.
Events at the Paris festival, in theaters all over the city, attract a trendily youthful audience but also, for the openings especially, a predictably well-coiffed Parisian crowd.
Her voice has an impressively raw quality live, and her banter with the fawning Parisian crowd is always engaging.
He knew what it meant to have Sunday off when a free Sunday was by no means mandatory, and he could paint a Parisian crowd and give equal time to everyone in sight.
This new society would wage a struggle throughout the summer with the Jacobins for the allegiance of the provincial affiliates and the Parisian crowds, a contest they would ultimately lose.
He earned the nickname of "The Little Man with the Big Stick" for his skill in handling large Parisian crowds.
This made them instant darlings of the Parisian "in" crowd, resulting in invitations to appear on leading television shows and at the Paris Biennale in October 1967.
On 5 October 1789, a Parisian crowd, composed mostly of rough women working in the markets selling fish, marched to Versailles in response to the scarcity of bread.