Services were held Sunday, at Park East Synagogue.
Park East Synagogue mourns the passing of our devoted member Murray Roth.
Park East Synagogue is the neighbor to the east and the Soviet Embassy is across the street.
What does it mean, however, that this was not the particular moral quandary preoccupying those present at Park East Synagogue?
Park East Synagogue mourns the passing of our devoted member Jack Nass.
He was a former president of the Park East Synagogue in Manhattan.
At another seder, the Park East Synagogue was host for 20 recent Soviet emigres.
Park East Synagogue mourns the passing of our devoted member, Birdie Horvitz.
A woman of strength and dignity whose generosity benefited our Park East Synagogue and day school.
However, the school would only survive five more years, until it merged with the Park East Synagogue.
Services were held Sunday, at Park East Synagogue.
The board of Park East Synagogue began to insist that Rabbi Schneier choose between his congregations.
In 1890, Drachman began serving as rabbi in the Park East Synagogue, where he led for the next fifty-five years.
What does it mean, however, that this was not the particular moral quandary preoccupying those present at Park East Synagogue?
Funeral services at Park East Synagogue on January 8 at 9:30 AM.
Beloved wife of the late Irving Freedman who was a trustee and counsel to Park East Synagogue.
He was a former president of the Park East Synagogue in Manhattan.
At another seder, the Park East Synagogue was host for 20 recent Soviet emigres.
A woman of strength and dignity whose generosity benefited our Park East Synagogue and day school.
However, the school would only survive five more years, until it merged with the Park East Synagogue.