Foster had a limousine body made for the car by Park Ward, created in the style of a 1921 Daimler he had once owned.
Other coachwork came from Park Ward (London) who built six, later including a drophead coupe version.
Rolls-Royce acquired the rest of the shares in 1939 and Park Ward became a wholly owned subsidiary.
In August 1967, it was announced that production of the Park Ward bodied Alvis 3-litre had ceased.
The sign at the trunk says only Park Ward.
Like its smaller cousin, the Park Ward was discontinued after 2002; a total of 127 Park Wards were produced.
The coachwork is by Park Ward.
Like Park Ward this ward also contain some interesting architecture including the Clifton Road conservation area.
Later production was taken over by the British firms Park Ward and Willowbrook.
According to this source Park Ward took the Swiss drawings and adapted them to produce a car with more interior space than the Graber original.
Foster had a limousine body made for the car by Park Ward, created in the style of a 1921 Daimler he had once owned.
Other coachwork came from Park Ward (London) who built six, later including a drophead coupe version.
Rolls-Royce acquired the rest of the shares in 1939 and Park Ward became a wholly owned subsidiary.
In August 1967, it was announced that production of the Park Ward bodied Alvis 3-litre had ceased.
He won election in Park ward in May 1984.
The sign at the trunk says only Park Ward.
As of the 2001 UK census, the Park electoral ward had a population of 6,525.
King's Park ward has a total population of 10,923.
The coachwork is by Park Ward.
Later production was taken over by the British firms Park Ward and Willowbrook.