The Parker Ranch, estimated worth about $6 million at the time, was left in trust to his six year old great-grandson Richard Smart.
Though it has a romantic gloss, the 25-minute movie on Parker Ranch tells the history well and describes current ranch operations.
The land above the bay is part of the Parker Ranch.
The site occupied 500 acres of a 12,000-acre tract leased from the huge Parker Ranch.
This was the first horse ever seen in the islands, and led eventually to the establishment of Parker Ranch.
She was expected to retire at the end of the 1987 season and was kept at the Parker Ranch.
Last year Richard Smart, sixth-generation owner of the 225,000-acre Parker Ranch, decided to open it to the public.
The Parker Ranch sprawls across north Hawaii in a huge swath of land.
Guests can take guided trail rides over the uplands of the Parker Ranch.
It was located on the grounds of Parker Ranch, just outside the town of Waimea.