The challenge has assumed such significance that Parliament may adjourn to let members prepare for the referendum, which is expected next month.
Parliament adjourned on November 14, 1941, and was not scheduled to return until January 21, 1942.
Parliament then adjourned for at least another day to iron out the details.
The Parliament met again the following year, passed a three-year budget, and adjourned again.
Unable to reach a compromise, Parliament adjourned until Dec. 14.
He could not tell them that Parliament had adjourned five minutes after it opened and that the prime minister was staying home as a result.
The campaign officially starts after Parliament adjourns tomorrow.
'Parliament has adjourned until the State funeral, the day after tomorrow.'
Further talks between the two parties are set for Sunday, and Parliament has adjourned until Tuesday.
But Parliament adjourned for the summer today and will not reconvene until the first week of October.