On March 23, Parliament extended the state of emergency for another month.
Parliament has extended the mandate every six months since the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf war, when the zone was set up.
He said he would ask Parliament to extend the deadline when it returns to work next year.
He has gotten Parliament to extend the length of time that suspects can be held without charge.
Parliament may also extend its term of office, in times of war, for up to one year.
Parliament should accept this proposal as a basis for a decision and extend the directive to environmental damage caused by nuclear activities.
I would therefore like to see Parliament extend its thanks to you and all the Commissioners, as is indeed happening.
It is also appropriate to phase out stocks, and, in the compromise, Parliament has extended this phasing-out period to 54 months.
Since then, Parliament has extended our responsibilities to include, for example, mortgage lending and insurance broking.
He predicted the Parliament would not extend the state of emergency, but said the president had plenty of time to use her sweeping new powers.