Parliament serves as a nominating convention, its sole function being to choose the executive, who rules with but little regard to members whose votes are automatic.
(Parliament) in 1958 and served Kenya in that capacity up to January 1992 when he opted to retire from parliamentary politics.
Parliaments only served to gave legitimacy to their decisions.
The 65 Parliament and 75 Sherbourne buses also serve the area.
Parliaments are talking shops, while real power rests with the bureaucracy, police and military, controlled by and serving capitalist interests.
The Parliament serves as the legislative branch of government.
That is certainly one way of recognising that Parliament serves only to give the stamp of democracy to decisions which are not democratic.
By separating women's rights from the overall human rights agenda, Parliament would not necessarily, whatever its admirable intentions, be serving the cause of human rights.
This Parliament serves the people of Europe well.
Indeed, Parliament must serve as a model, demonstrate solidarity and keep a very close watch on how resources are spent.